QPI Champions National Conference, Reno, Nevada, Sept 22 – 23, 2022

Thank You for Making the 2022 Inaugural National Champions Conference a Great Success!

QPI Champions, we’re thrilled by your participation at our first QPI Champions Conference and how you you are leading to ensure excellent parenting for every child every day as part of a national network! Enjoy the following slideshow of some of the photos from your convening, and continue to scroll as we have listed videos and resources presented at the Champions Conference.

9/22/22 Plenary Session with Dr. Charles Zeanah

We respectfully request that you NOT copy the videos that Dr. Zeanah shares within his presentation. We have permission to show, but not distribute.
  • PowerPoint: A Child-Centered Approach to Child Protection (Videos removed from slides to distribute)
  • Related to the question of family preservation, here is a brief article. The specific review article mentioned during the presentation was by Gelles, R.J. (1993). Family reunion/family preservation: Are children really being protected?  Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 8(4), 557–562. Gelles also has a book that can be used as a resource, entitled “The Book of David”.
  • The Stanford Study is written up in a book, Protecting Abused and Neglected Children By Michael Wald, PM Carlsmith and PH Liederman published in 1988.

9/23/22 Plenary Session with Jennifer Rodriguez and Youth Panel

A Youth-Centered Approach to Foster Care for Teens: Co-Creating A Better Future

Gallery Walk Materials

Other Resources and Conference Survey