Your donation will help children and youth in foster care systems thrive.
For four decades the Youth Law Center (YLC) has helped to transform the lives of tens of thousands of children by forging systemic and sustained change within the foster care and juvenile justice systems. The Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) supports that change by ensuring children in care experience excellent parenting every day.
When you support QPI and YLC, you help to extend our reach, amplify our voice and deepen our impact on children.
Ways you can personally help:
Ways you can help through your resources at work:
Other opportunities to help YLC & QPI:

Thank You!
We are grateful for any gift that you give. Your donation will allow us to continue our critical work to transform systems to be truly child-focused and conduct research informed through litigation, policy reform, media advocacy, collaborative system change projects, training and advice, and public education to benefit children.

Ways you can personally help:

Make a stock gift to the Youth Law Center
Your contributions of appreciated stock can help vulnerable children and provide a significant tax deduction to you.
For more information, please email Selina Weiss, Development & Communications Coordinator at info@ylc.org.

Give from your Donor Advised Fund
Your gift from your donor-advised fund allows you to support and impact lives through the Youth Law Center.
For more information, please email Selina Weiss, Development & Communications Coordinator at info@ylc.org.

Make a gift directly from your IRA
You can make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA. Your QCD will go directly to the Youth Law Center extending our reach, amplifying our voice and deepening our impact.
For more information, please email Selina Weiss, Development & Communications Coordinator at info@ylc.org.

Create a legacy and remember us in your will or through a planned gift
Including the Youth Law Center in your will, charitable trust, or naming the organization as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy or pension creates a legacy that will impact children. Please consult your attorney for appropriate counsel.
Ways you can help through your resources at work:

Nominate YLC for the Cy Pres Award
YLC is an ideal recipient for unclaimed funds from class action lawsuits because its work with children and youth in foster care and juvenile justice systems addresses a broad spectrum of social issues — homelessness, physical and mental health, child abuse and neglect, education, employment and economic security, youth leadership and mentoring, etc. Please consider nominating YLC to be included in your firm’s Cy Pres distribution list. If you nominate YLC for Cy Pres funds, for more information, please email Selina Weiss, Development & Communications Coordinator at info@ylc.org.

Matching Gifts
Many businesses offer to match their employees’ contributions to non-profit organizations. You can double, or even triple the power of your gift by completing the matching gift form provided by your company and naming the Youth Law Center.
For more information, please email Selina Weiss, Development & Communications Coordinator at info@ylc.org.

Give through your Workplace
Payroll deductions through workplace campaigns are a simple and cost-effective way to support YLC throughout the year.
- Federal Employees will find us on the Human Services Charities of America Campaign website of the Combined Federal Campaign (Code 11609).
- Selected state, county, city, and university employees can contribute through Neighbor to Nation.
- In Florida, state employees can donate through the Florida State Employees Charitable Campaign (Code 7031).
- In California, state employees can contribute through the California State Employees Charitable Charitable Campaign (Code 1544).
Through United Way, you can write-in Youth Law Center as a designated beneficiary on your pledge card.
Other opportunities to help YLC & QPI

Give to YLC Every Time you Shop on Amazon
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop at Amazon, at no cost to you. You can designate Youth Law Center to automatically receive .5% of your eligible purchases on AmazonSmile by clicking here.

Become a Grant Partner
Foundations and other grantmakers are key partners in QPI’s most innovative work. QPI would appreciate the opportunity to apply for a grant with an organization that would be a good partner for us.
For more information, email Kirstie Jetland, QPI National Coordinator, at kjetland@qpiylc.org

Become a Corporate or Business Partner
QPI welcomes the ability to partner with national and local businesses to help move the QPI movement forward. For more information please email Kirstie Jetland, QPI National Coordinator, at kjetland@qpiylc.org

Sponsor the National QPI Conference
QPI hosts an annual conference that brings together over 1,000 foster and birth families, youth and social service partners across the country who are transforming foster care in their communities. We welcome sponsors at all levels to join us at our upcoming conference in May 2022. For more information, email Kirstie Jetland, QPI National Coordinator, at kjetland@qpiylc.org

In-Kind Gifts
Are you a photographer, graphic designer, florist, or caterer? Do you have access to meeting or event space? Would you like to host a gathering to introduce us to your friends and colleagues? We need your help! If you have ideas or questions, please email Kirstie Jetland, QPI National Coordinator, at kjetland@qpiylc.org