July Network News

Welcome to the July edition of Network News! As the summer heat blazes on, so does our commitment to advocating for excellent parenting for every child, every day. This month, we’re not just feeling the summer warmth; we’re also fired up about hot advocacy topics: family placements, youth engagement, and transitions.

June Network News

Welcome to our special conference edition of the newsletter! We’re excited to bring you highlights from the 2024 QPI Virtual National Conference, “Teens are Different: A Research-Based Approach to Adolescents Thriving in Families. “Plus, we’ve created tools to help you keep the conference momentum and learning going.

As summer heats up, so do our advocacy efforts, especially during National Reunification Month and National Fatherhood Month.

May Network News

Greetings QPI Advocates,

Welcome to May, a month of growth, connection, and advocacy! As we celebrate National Foster Care Month, we renew our commitment to ensuring that every child receives excellent parenting and lasting meaningful relationships. Central to our celebrations is our QPI National Conference, featuring a new one-day one-topic focus titled, “Teens are Different: A Research-Based Approach to Adolescents Thriving in Families”.

In this edition of our newsletter, we’re excited to share highlights from across our sites, opportunities to maximize your virtual conference experience, and ways to amplify your advocacy efforts during National Foster Care Month, ensuring that our collective voice resonates loudly and effectively.

April Network News

Greetings QPI Advocates,

This month, we’re brewing with excitement as we gear up for the QPI National Virtual Conference, “Teens are Different: A Research-Based Approach to Adolescents Thriving in Families! Every May, QPI hosts a national gathering where we explore topics and issues that matter most to you. This year, we’re thrilled to dedicate a day to discussing adolescents in care—a crucial conversation that promises to be insightful and impactful.

As we count down the days to the conference, we invite you to join us on our social media platforms @QPI4Kids for engaging discussions, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into what’s in store.
But that’s not all— we are proud to announce a new class of graduating Champions.

March Network News

Greetings QPI Advocates,

Welcome to Spring! In this edition of the newsletter, we are thrilled to share with you some exciting new work focused on adolescents in care. As advocates for prioritizing love and relationships for children in care, we believe it’s essential to address the unique needs of adolescents within the system.

Additionally, as flowers begin to bloom, so too does our anticipation for the annual QPI National Conference.

February Network News

Greetings QPI advocates,

Happy February! As we dive into the second month of the year, there’s no better time to shine a spotlight on prioritizing love and relationships for children and youth in foster care.

In this edition, we’re thrilled to hear from voices across our sites as they share what they love about the work we collectively do and how this passion brings love into the lives of children, youth, and families. It’s a celebration of the heartwarming connections and meaningful relationships that make a significant impact. We are also excited to share a new report from the Youth Law Center that highlights the importance of love and relationship-based systems.

January Network News

Greetings, QPI Network Members and Advocates,

Happy New Year! As we bid farewell to 2023, we take pride in the accomplishments that have shaped our journey and eagerly anticipate the greater successes that 2024 has in store for us. At the heart of our mission is the commitment to prioritize love and relationships for children in care, and we are dedicated to ensuring that this remains a central focus throughout the year.

Let’s dive right in!

December Network News

December Reflections: Celebrating Success

Greetings, QPI Network Members and Advocates,

As we reflect on the past year, it’s with immense pride and gratitude that we pen down this final newsletter of 2023. It has been a year of growth, advocacy, and unwavering commitment to excellent parenting. December is a time to reflect and celebrate our collective successes and to look ahead to opportunities of a new year.

November Network News

Nurturing Gratitude: Welcoming November with Thanks

Greetings, QPI Network Members and Advocates,

As we approach the closing chapters of another remarkable year, November invites us to reflect on the journey and nurture gratitude for the incredible accomplishments of 2023. This month’s edition is a heartfelt expression of thanks, extending warmth and appreciation to all our QPI Network members! Your dedication is the cornerstone of ensuring excellent parenting for every child. In this edition, we shine a light on how gratitude and appreciation propel our vital systems change work forward.

Let’s dive right in:

  • Highlight excellent work from across our QPI sites
  • Show Gratitude in Action
  • Share a Lived Experience Survey Opportunity
  • Spotlight Elevate and Celebrate
  • Showcase Upcoming Events

QPI Champions Practice Exchange – Register Now!

Greetings, Champions!

We are excited to announce the launch of the “Champions Practice Exchange“– an advanced learning opportunity for QPI Champions to connect and exchange information on successes and challenges in implementing QPI.

Each of these quarterly workgroups focus on a strategic topic, as selected by you, our QPI Champions!

Child-Centered Transitions
A QPI Approach to Kinship Care
Strengthening Relationships: Birth Parents, Foster Parents, & Caseworkers

We hope that you’ll join us for these learning collaboratives to strengthen your QPI practice and share your own knowledge and expertise!