QPI Practice Exchange: Fostering Relationships Through Family Engagement

Curious about how other QPI sites support parents and children during family engagement? Join us to hear about the QPI approach which includes creative and newly imagined ways to build, maintain, and support relationships for children. QPI site representatives share strategies and best practice examples around family engagement including an overview of three different community-based family engagement centers.

This Practice Exchange will be of interest to all those involved in working to support and promote family engagement. The "QPI Practice Exchange" is an interactive, online meeting for members across sites to connect and strengthen their QPI . . .

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QPI Practice Exchange: Enhancing Visitation with the Fostering Relationships Intervention


November's Practice Exchange featured QPI sites who shared their experiences and lessons learned while implementing Fostering Relationships (FR). This meeting was a follow-up to the November QPI webinar "Fostering Relationships: A Relationship-Based Approach to Visitation". This interactive exchange was recommended for sites who desire to deepen their FR understanding and develop their own relationship-based visitation practices.

This meeting originally aired Wednesday, November 24th, 2021.

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Fostering Relationships: A Relationship-Based Approach to Visitation


Caroline Roben and Andrea Minor of the University of Delaware’s Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences will describe the development and framework of Fostering Relationships, an intervention that aims to provide a supportive experience for children during family visitation by engaging foster parents to partner with birth parents in following their children’s lead. The presentation will discuss the benefits of co-parenting between birth and foster parents, include example videos, and discuss strategies for a collaborative visitation . . .

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Understanding & Responding to Caregiver Grief and Loss


This webinar allowed attendees the opportunity to explore grief and loss specific to child welfare. The focus was on the grief and loss caregivers and their families experience as a result of providing excellent care to children. From the loss of privacy and family routines to the loss of children that are moved, caregivers and their families are impacted by grief and loss. Coping strategies and healing actions that families can utilize was also discussed. This 90 minute webinar originally aired on Thursday, September 16th, 2021.

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