QPI 101: Fundamentals and Core Principles of the Quality Parenting Initiative (1/19/23)


A new year is an ideal time to review the core principles that ground our work of ensuring excellent parenting for every child, every day!

QPI 101: Fundamentals and Core Principles of the Quality Parenting Initiative reviews our history, dives deep into our principles, and explores strategies that support excellent parenting for every child, every day. Hear from a diverse panel of QPI Champions, practitioners, National Team members, and network members with lived experience.

Participants will:

  • Learn the guiding principles of QPI;
  • Understand how QPI principles . . .

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QPI Practice Exchange: You’ve Got Benefits: QPI Network Member Benefits 101


In this practice exchange meeting, learn what resources, services, content tools, and networking opportunities QPI membership includes. Additionally, view a walk-through showing how to use your members-only side of the website, qpi4kids.org.

This 60-minute practice exchange originally aired on February 23rd, 2022.

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QPI 101: Fundamentals and Core Principles of the Quality Parenting Initiative (2/17/22)


A new year is an ideal time to step back and take stock of where we are and where we're going. We’ve come a long way, but we're staying true to where we started. Join us for QPI 101: Fundamentals and Core Principles of the Quality Parenting Initiative where we will review our history, dive deep into our principles, and explore strategies that support excellent parenting for every child every day. Participants will hear from a diverse panel of QPI practitioners, QPI National team members, and network members with lived experience.

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