This study explored perceptions of QPI’s impact on the foster parent experience, with a particular focus on foster parent involvement in implementation efforts and strengthening stakeholder relationships. Study findings indicate that QPI improved the relationships between foster and birth parents through specialized training and peer-support groups that challenged biases, articulated the roles and expectations of caregivers, and cultivated a team-based approach to meet the best interests of children in care. Foster care agencies may benefit from incorporating strategies that promote frequent, positive interactions across stakeholders. Strengthening these relationships may be the first step in reimagining the roles of foster parents in family reunification.
[Citation: Lewis, E. M., Murugan, V., Williams, K. A., Barth, R. P., & Lee, B. R. (2022). Relationships matter: Exploring the implementation of the Quality Parenting Initiative and the foster parent experience. Child & Family Social Work, 1-11.]
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