Catch Them Doing QPI Nomination

We want to elevate and celebrate people at QPI sites who are living our values through everyday actions. Nominees can include foster parents, kinship caregivers, birth parents, youth advocates, child welfare professionals, legal and community partners, and anyone else who is prioritizing excellent parenting and strong relationships for children in care. Anyone can submit a nomination at any time!

We also want to hear what you’re grateful for in your QPI work. Share a gratitude statement in the form below!

Your nomination or gratitude statement may be featured at QPI events, in our newsletter, and/or on social media. We will contact you if your submission is selected to be featured.

If you have any questions, please email

Catch Them Doing QPI

  • i.e. foster parent, case manager, youth advocate, etc. If you are affiliated with an agency, please specify.
  • i.e. foster parent, case manager, youth advocate, etc. If the nominee is affiliated with an agency, please specify.
  • Let us know why you’re nominating an individual or what you’re grateful for in your QPI work!